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my little girl is nine weeks old and currently having 6oz bottles every 3-4 hours and i feeding her too much she is taking it all it says on the tin sma only 4oz for her age ?? its my first baby
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Bewlay Bros.
Just how easy is it? And what were the biggest surprises or difficulties that the guide books simply fail to mention?
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I thought I'd seen it all but my 17 year old son has really done it this time! I went into his room yesterday and found that he'd moved his bed. I moved it back again and saw that a large piece of...
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Some of you may have seen the posts where I have mentioned that my next door neighbour beats his wife...Well to cut a long story short he had a stroke at the weekend and is now paralysed down one...
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My neighbours fence has come down on more than one occasion, and due to her husband dying a few years ago, my now ex partner has put her existing fence back up every time and has even bought a new...
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Is the word eejit an Irish or Scottish word or neither? My research shows conflicting results. Thanks for your response!
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Which advert /s from the past would you like to see return to the screen ? Mine would be :- 1. The Flake advert ( only the crumbliest flakiest chocolate , taste like chocolate never taste it before )...
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how can you remove a large stick label easily? Thanks
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were does the saying peeing in the wind come from

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