Local dealerships seem to give you the lowest end of what your car is worth but always worry selling privately has its own risks. Places like 'we buy any car' again seem to offer below market value...
7a an enticement say, to calm down (5) 1d break the nearby scottish biscuit (9) ???r?e?g? 2d way to encourage fish (8) ???r?e?n 4d off air, hopes to gain value from newsreader (6,7) ?o?h?m, ?a?o?t?...
A couple of years ago I was put on meds for high BP, something I was oblivious to. Earlier this year I was advised to not take my BP meds as my BP was low. Since then I haven't been taking them and...
Help with the last two please. 1a Excercise requiring words of encouragement. (4-2) ???N-?P. 2d Fine leaves boss of kitchen covering a problem. (8) ??A?A??E. Thanks for any help....
Hi. I have paid for a valuation survey on a property that states that the property suffered historic movement, but also states that it is longstanding and shows no signs of recent or continuing...
1a Increase the pressure on (4,3,4,2)Thought it might be Puts the boot in., 1d & 5d. Backstab (4,7) All depends on 1a. 2d Breed (5) 4d Supplement (3) All are linked in to each other . Any help...
I'm only just starting out with cryptics, having avoided them for a while! But I'm really enjoying them! Stuck on a few though... Behold, small company helps to define, what pulls a train along the...
10a SO that's where the car was registered, 5 letters ??n??
3d Eat away - there's noting in chopped deer , 5 letters
Any help would be appreciated with thanks from BEDELIA...
14a - TV mini-series, to hold ambassador could be hanging matter (3,5,7) ?h? n?g?t ?a?a??? 20a - Belief in God exists within that group (6) t?a?? 6d - Small crowd to get out (5) ?c?a? 13d - Hide away...
A moderate puzzle this week, methinks, with our author back in one of his favourite haunts, uncovering further contributions by the Stevenson Family to the NLB among piratical and nordic violent...
Could you help with these please?
Foreign names for Cities? : E**N**S
Library Cubicles? C******
Cuban Bass Drum? **N*A
Mildly Sweet (Champagne) **C
Thank you...
Stuck in bottom left if anyone can help please: There may be a misprint in the def or a letter missing in the wordplay or the clue may be "normal"... 23d Brush snagging king's cape (6) ?C?U?/ 34d Top...
I am putting this up again as i made a mess of it before 26,Flat piece of wood (5) 35, A staging of games (8) 39, Private eye's nickname (7) 40, Amoured (8) please note number 8 is not armoured Thanks...