Singer whose album 19, released this year after her age was named after her age at the time of it's release 5L A-E-E Hopefully I have got the right letters in there, Sorry for asking, as I am not a...
17D Former term for gold taken from Latin 5L A-R-M 39d Projection system involving a giant screen with an image ten times larger than standard,4 L I-A- Thanks everyone for your help, my mind has gone...
30a _______ And Survive, Eighties civil defence public information series 7L P-O-E-T 34a West African republic on the gulf of Guinea 5L -H-N- Sorry for asking, I have gone brain dead, Thanks guys for...
11d 4L Jaap------Dutch defender who spent three seasons at Manchester United, -T-M Sorry to ask you this but I am not into football, sorry Thanks for your help,
26a Former Scandinavian coins of low denomination 9L---L-I-G- 19d Cured like meat fish or cheese 6L -M---D TV Logo to show which channel is being watched 5L -D-N- COULD YOU TELL ME IF 3D Long thin...
11d ----Season 2005 album by British Sea Power 4L -P-N 39D Urban musical style with a high spoken content 3L R-P Sorry for these two questions, but I am not up on music, Thanks guys
20d Dark, gloomy or like the mythological river in Hades 7L -S-G-A- sorry for this question, but could the answer be stigmas Last one thanks everyone, much appreciated
2d Type of clay mineral such as montmorillonite 8L -M---I-E 3dComputer code for representing alphanumeric characters 5L -S--- 4d United Nations agency promoting education and the arts 6L -N-B-- 29d...
24 across 9 letters -----song track from led Zeppelin lll used in Shrek The Third and the TV series Life On Mars -M-I-R-N- Could it possibly be Immigrant, could you confirm please, Thanks a lot,
29a Distance from a lens at which refracted parallel beams converge 5-6 -O-A- L-N-T- 4d ------Barkley, duo whose song Crazy was the first to reach No1 on download sales alone 6L -N-R-3 Last 2 Thanks...
16a Geological fracture in which two parallel planes slide over each other 5L -H-A- 10d Period of apparent inactivity at the start of the Second World War 6-3 P-O-E- W-R 27d Occasion celebrated in...