AB ED - The unanswered questions on this section are, in some cases over a year old. As most are for crosswords or quizzes which will now be out of date, can I suggest that either - 1 - An automatic...
I have been asked to take on the role of Secretary of my Golf Club, a 2 year appointment, which would mean that I would receive an annual Honorarium. Does anyone know if this would be taxable?
AB EdThere is a problem in the above category. I went to post a question, and the screen after "submit" is full up with a particular question, and will not go as far as it should to let me post my...
AB ED I posted a question on AB Suggestoins yesterday, because a link to a question was not working. My Q in here has disappeared, but has not been banned. I had an e-mail to say I had an answer, but...
Just tried to go into a Q & P question to give an answer, and the link doesn't go to the question. It's about 3rd or 4th down in "All Unanswered" section, and is about odd socks. If the link...