Just to let you know I have had a reply from the Co-op confirming that the answer should be TWO words - not one. Thanks to everyone who tried to help in coming up with one 15-letter word!!
We are off on the pull and we wanted a second opinion. Do you think we have a good chance? http://tinypic.com/f520i9.jpg - Me http://tinypic.com/f520lh.jpg - Dak
I had a picture of myself which I really didn't like coz one of my eyes looked smaller than the other.. (Lol) so I played around with it on the 'Photosuite' and I am now happy to say it looks great....
Driving into town for a take-away, and an egg hit my car while I was doing about 20mph.I never got offered the chance to give a "treat", so what was that all about? Just hope there's no damage when I...
I know I'm blonde but I've got ever so confused. I know there was a problem with the cloning thing, but could someone tell me the genuine old to new usernames. thanks. eb x
My name is Rabet and I am soooo far up everyones ass that I am losing sight of the real world. Please, please somebody grab my legs and pull me out!!!!!!! Blah blah balh blah!!!!!