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Our local branch (Preston) of Ultimate Outdoors is closing down and is being replaced with Go Outdoors, are these two members of the same parent company? I know Blacks is connected to U Outdoors but...
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As these are no longer available in the uk does anyone know of a similar alternative?
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I have been watching this programme this week on BBC2. I notice that there isnt an episode two. Does anyone know why? Was there an episode 2 when it was first shown?
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Is it necessary to have a roof top aerial to receive and record sky tv or do I just need the cabling from the sky dish to box to tv?. I am having trouble with freeview signal to the TV and when I have...
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If I know I am going to be short of time could I make a cake mixture today and keep in the fridge until tomorrow?
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Anyone having trouble this morning retreiving email via sky this morning...
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Around a month ago my Galaxy S6 upgraded to android version 7, since then my battery drains at an alarming rate, approx. twice the speed of before, is it possible to undo this upgrade and revert to...
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We’ve just had news of three important business mergers. Pie Records merged with Apple Records today to make Apple Pies. Hawker Aviation joined up with Cyril Lords to make flying carpets for the...
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People are usually shocked when they find out I'm not a very good electrician...
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Good morning , I have bought a new TV but the only connections on the back are either HDMI or USB, what is the name of Wii connection please so I can look for a part that i can put between the tv and...
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I woke up in the night (as you do) and the above phrase came to mind, it is something from childhood, maybe 50 years ago. I think it was from a street game maybe something like hide and seek when the...
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Amazon is offering Prime for £59 until the 18th. Hmmm...?...
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Even if you have the money - what would be the lowest you would take out on a credit card - ie £400, £1,000 - I have never had one....
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This is a long shot but here goes, following on from the re-run of Crickley Hall on TV at the moment , about the same time there was another mystery series that was set it the north of England, it...
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It appears that they are as I was making 4 crumpets this morning listening to a hot debate on Radio 2 being preoccuppied as I slatherered lashing after lashing of Margerine to plug the crumpet holes...
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I slept like a log last night........Woke up in the fireplace.
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i am looking for quotes for car insurance. for the first time ever, i am being asked for the month and year i obtained my licence. as if i can remember the exact month and year, its so long ago. the...
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I hope that this will once again confirm that the most important information in your life won't come from a teacher, the library or the internet, but from a mentor, and on a very personal level. My...
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Does anyone have any ideas as to what is wrong with it? Its mainly the pause, play and stop buttons that don't seem to work, i've got to press pause etc a few times before it works, so annoying. Its...
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Whilst watching the 'Really' channel via Sky I am getting a picture break up, similar to a line of colour for a split second horizontally across the screen, I thought at first it was the TV but...

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