could anybody help with these? the clues are the initial letters of phrases or sayings that each contain a creature/animal reptile etc 1) ATCF 2) ASITG 3) TSTBTCB 4) TCW 5) MDAL 6) ASAAM 7) PTCATP 8)...
Down to the last handful and running out of time - can anyone help please? These are songs from Musicals e.g. L.M.E.Y. - G. = Let Me Entertain You from Gypsy 1. B.B. - B A B. 2. I.T.A.W. - H.D. 3....
As the others were too easy for you, try these: 168=S on a S of D. 5 = GNM. 152 = H in F of the S of L. 76 = TPTBP IT is nice to be back and putting the old brain back into action by using the site.