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I often get woken up by my partner telling me that im keeping her awake because im scratching in my sleep , i sometimes wake up in pain because im doing it so hard , what to do????
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can anyone tell me how to find an old pension plan formerly with equity &law life assurance society amersham road high wycombe bucks HP13 5AL dated 25/4/1978 Thank you
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i dated a guy 20 years ago and we split up. i married someone else and we split up 7 years ago when my daughter was then 9. i have no contact with him whatsoever and never dated anyone else until last...
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Im looking more for particular colours rather than colours as a subject but anything goes really! All i can think of is Red Red Wine and Blue (Da ba dee da ba da) Thanks!
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apart from self control. can anyone give advice on how to give up alcohol? I go about 2 days, drink free, then crave a drink in the evening

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