Seriously stuck :) 2/9a quick clue handy too couldn't be much closer to you! 2,4,10 -t ---r f---e-t--- 10a initially noted not idle turns out to be idle indeed 8-n---e-- 14d --I-a thanks
Tearing my hair out need help on 3 clues 1 d Cato the renegade 8 -u-n-o-t. 54a often involving a woman and a man, lads back round to carry the can7 --a-d-l, 50d as friendly as a consumer would have it...
Stuck on last four 49d teetotaller escspes somehow and just looks on 9 ---c-a-e-, 52a prefix big game fix 4-e-a, 52aletter- written answer please 4. -s-- Thanks in advance
Stuk on a few 16d for a taxing return even there u-turn 3,6 t-e -e-e--- 23d mystery madam named in some mag at hand6 a-a--- 13a is there still such appeal for such a service 4 thanks