Whilst on holiday I caught part of a film telling the story about a 'large' man who was pretty selfish, he dated a school teacher and told a child that the tooth fairy didn't exist ..... it went on to...
1st sighting 9 03 pm for 5 mins W departing E 2nd sighting 10 38 pm for 2 mins W departing WSW also you might if clear sky catch a glimpse of The Progress which left the ISS yesterday with all the...
Good afternoon all, hope your enjoying the sunshine :) I need help with the last few: 1d) idle men stand ground, with their thoughts elsewhere ( 6-8). 4d) lent moved forward (8). 8d) sweet & flaky,...
Mellor and Russell's Inspirations No 4 light blonde hair dye. They do not deliver now from source. They have handed over to B and M stores which is a northern shop chain and does not deliver. I have...
I proclaim a great revelation to all those who turn to AB in their search for truth. We have seen how AB Ed watches over us from afar ; how he speaks words of wisdom for our guidance ; how he brings...
Tuesday. Not a cloud in sight and a big moon shining. A little bit warmer this morning and the wildlife are making the most of it. Something that doesn't know me went crashing through the bushes,...
stuck on the following 1a have a faraway look(4,3,4,4,) 8d sad to have gone round and round with nurse about where in France forever?(5,7,3.) 12a prospered having taken another's place.(9) 15d once...
I was too early to collect my bro-in-law from Heathrow this morning so I stopped at the Motorway stop on the M4 coming from London just before the turn off for Terminal 4, now I think I may have left...
A London banker travelling through Cornwall runs a red light and gets pulled over by a Cornish police officer. He thinks that he is smarter than the officer because he is a banker and is certain that...
last ones
54. Special welsh bear (5,3)
63. training your welsh animal - spin off (7:6,2,4)
64. Twenty five foot canine (8,3,3,3,3)
thanks in advance...