answers are mainly expressions, song titles or food that represents part of the body 7 TLBE 32 SACB 41 AHTTP 42 KYEOT 45 SYNO Thank you for any replies Q
Events through the years: 1985 - W of TF 1958 - P B O 1947 - C Y B S B 1900 - I I K Completion date near so I would be very grateful for any help. Thanks.
Please can anyone help me with 2 anagrams. I have been trying for weeks but just cannot get these. No 88 A FEAR VIOLA HE EAGER ROW THICKEN ANY LAIR No 116 CHASE CEMENT LORRY LOT SHAKER STET
The closing date of Oddbods latest pop quiz was changed to Aug 31st because of my ill health, I do apologise for any confusion this has caused. I did post a message to this effect but it would appear...
Please can anyone help with this last one, I have just come back from holiday and can't get back past page 10, so I am sorry if it has been answered before. The clue is - Diets ? (13 letters). Answer...
Could anyone offer any help with the following please: No. 26. S Club 8 (7.5 letters) No. 48. Sunshine (11 letters) No. 60. The clue itself is relative to the solution (3.7.7. letters). Any help would...
for example: felines & canines = cats and dogs. Stuck on this one, can anyone help please? Sounds like a flower and a furrier. Any help would be appreciated.
I am trying to finish this quiz before I go on holiday but I am not getting very far so please can anyone help. No 5 He was a phoney but they ruled. -3. 3. 4. 3. 3. 8. No 13 Entrant in the childrens...
please can anyone help with these last 4 logos quiz due in at weekend. no1 small bird flying (not dove) no 2 could be two books under a curve with man in top hat in side a circle behind the curve no3...
Please can anyone help with these Spring or Summer plants. no 1 One just mentioned prison rooms (not celandine) no 2 Kind of verruca peer showy flowers. answers are as near as possible to how they...
40)Should this footwear be only used in the presence of a monarch 31)Take a catapult and to urge on and scramble 11)Take a packing case and a Roman garment and stitch together 2)People who actively...