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mikey4444 Apparently Farage has decided that he won't field a UKIP candidate against Goldsmith. I bet Zac is relived to hear that least he doesn't have to...
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Eye hospital went very well. The nurse I spoke to was of a similar age to myself and we are under the same team at the infirmary. We've been through similar experiences. We ended up having a chat and...
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Think my diabetes is back on track...nurse gave be a rocket the other day and I've learnt to trust my levemir - it's only taken 9 months! Got the eye hospital tomorrow - I think something's is up so...
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It's only 61 days away. I absolutely love Christmas, at least, I love the atmosphere and not the commercialism. Everyone who knows me is aware that my tree and decs go up on the weekend closest to my...
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Repair guttering on Car Port, sorted Key Fob on OH Car, repair Fence panels then chilled with a larger in the back Patio, I gather its going to be like this for a week.
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7across nuclear weapon 4&4 ,r?o ?, B??b something bomb? The r comes from truth for 1down trust. Thanks...
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Tuesday. Lots of heavy rain yesterday, I was thinking a boat would have been more apt. At one point the windscreen wipers on full belt could only just cope. It's not looking much better this morning....
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I am not interested in politics but do like this little clip
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political correctness gone mad, activists should go to turkey and demonstrate id have used water cannon on the lot of them....
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Sunday. Snowflake has gone home. I've got my house back. :-/ I'll be seeing her later though. Tiggy is still about. He was out last night, it wasn't too nippy so he had a good wander round before...
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Saturday. My wee pal goes home today. Mum and dad's daughter and grand daughter dropped in for a cuppa last night and took her for a walk. It was nice to see them. As usual she is stretched along side...
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Friday. A wee bit cool outside this morning. Snowflake wasn't too keen on going out for a round the block stroll, neither was I come to that! She goes home tomorrow. I shall miss the wee scamp. Tiggy...
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Morning all from rainy Liverpool..
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Hi all xxx enjoying a break here in Liverpool with mum...spent a couple of hours in the cavern last night..VERY noisy and I can't make out a word what's being said ! Mum having fun though....
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Wednesday. Black as a witches hat outside. The snowflake poked her nose out of the back door, had a quick sniff, looked up at me as if to say 'You're joking pal!' And went back to bed. She's now lying...
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Tuesday. Can't see the stars this morning. Snowflake was out in the a garden and back in again a bit sharpish. So it must be a bit nippy. We went for a longish walk yesterday, she was haring about...
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Monday. Cloudy again. Yesterday turned out lovely and warm. I hope today does the same. The weather bod is telling us it's going to rain in an hour's time. Snowflake has just realised I'm not still in...
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feeling a bit sad..feeling a bit sorry for myself..and I know through a loT of personal experience that is not good.. still a bit shaken after experience the other day and see how fragile life is.....
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Wednesday. We had some big thunderstorms yesterday. Lightning flying all over the place, from cloud to cloud as well as to the ground. Quite spectacular. A free Son et Lumière. Tiggy is still out, I...
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Am I so late I missed him?

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