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Towns and villages northern ireland
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What most favourite winter plant
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. 7d. 5 letters. Athenian garnet. a?t?c. Have Arctic Aztec antic but can't see revelence to clue need help. please.
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12a. useful when writing streams of letters.------n- h-n-...
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A. green and mountainous part of France ?a?o? Thank you....
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My tv recorder has stopped working. It has a circular light which shows red when switched on and turns blue shortly afterwards. Lately the red light has come on when power is switched on and nothing...
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I have a new dell laptop with Windows 7 home edition. When I try to install my flat bed scanner using the disc supplied it wont work. It works on my old laptop. can any help please?
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19a c -r -a - - - (8) herb draco malfoy initially scattered round a muggle's head. 25a s -l - - - (6) precious stuff symbolically placed in centre of cage. 18d - - - r - - - (7) footballers resort to...
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7ac result of a summers work - o -a - (5 ) 9ac to love in excess - o - (3 ) seems simple but I cant find any answers. Thanks for your help.
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find the name of a pop group formed by letters contained in the following sentence there are seven letters in the name. Form a dense. Ihave the foolowing letters, -a-n-s- Can anyone help ? thanks.
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16d his person given time, will be satisfied
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2D A?B@R?I Keen to get hold of book No1 architect. 25A A? ?? ? A fool wanting a woman Could this be Amiss? Thanks.
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2d. what starts thi clue is excellent(7) c- - - t - a 20d like a feature of contract name -its briefly on the bottom. (2-5). n- t- - - p Thank you.
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17d. pieces of music played in a moderately slow and even manner. 8 letters. ? ? ? a ? t ? s T hanks.
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16 d the identification of a usage, trait or chaacteristic of the Hebrew language sometimes applied to the Jewish people, their faith andnational ideology or culture. 8 letters. -- -- -- r - i-- m ?...
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Sunday Life. 22d Retreat for a chap about 50. ?e???e

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