5d. Give further backing 2-7. Possibly re something Have had another look at 26a. Answer given so far as 'causative. I think answer may be cauterise. The middle 'e' would then fit in with 20.d as...
I am querying mad steves answer to 19. across. trog comes up in dictionary or thesaurus as shorten form of trogladyte. Though have to say couldn't find anything else to fit! Sorry mad steve to...
Good Morning All Sorry I’m a little late this morning, had a deluge of snow here so our papers didn’t arrive till after 08:30. I have managed to complete the crosswords as best as I can...
I am running windows xp. In the last few days internet connections keep failing. At this time all other attempts to use stored programmes slow almost to a halt. Usual disc frags and cleanups have been...
I agree it's a stinker. But answer to 1.down would be a help. 1d. One reverering religious ceremonies (14 letters)
So far have S- - - - - - - - - R-A-...
A large percentage of incoming mail is now going straight to "Deleted Box". Tried with one to myself tonight and the same thing happened. I have Windows XP. Thank you, in anticipation....
22a able to be bent back. Is this reflexible? r-f---i-l- it seems to be anagram of rebel beryl 14d sober and serious demeanour -o-s---e-s Your help much appreciated, must have a mental block today!
15 down: relating to the ear (and its diseases) (10): 24 across: strength, resource (5): 19 across: conventional, traditional (8): many thanks in advance for the help