of 25% against goods imported from canada and mexico and a further 10% against china https://www.reuters.com/business/trump-readies-order-steep-tariffs-goods-mexico-canada-china-2025-02-01/ this... ...
https://news.sky.com/story/plans-to-drill-rosebank-and-jackdaw-oil-and-gas-fields-thwarted-in-court-13288534 Why have parish council "judges" got the power to block an important source of UK... ...
Are the herd of Brexiteers on AB ready for this one. Sit down quietly in a chair put seat belt on and brace.. The latest You Gov Poll shows that five years after Brexit became official. The... ...
Trump pledged to start deporting illegal immigrants immediately he took office and true to his word almost 600 have in the first week been escorted, in chains, on to military aircraft, among them... ...
I've fished in some terrible weather and walked in some so I wouldnt say I'm a wimp but I must admitt this cold snap gets to me some days and theres seems to be a long way to go yet. How about... ...
Since Farage managed to get elected as an MP via the back door from Clacton on sea. He has visited America seven times ..But he is rarely seen at Clacton on Sea . Did he just use Clacton to get... ...
'Trump has Teddy Roosevelt's vigour; the man who sang, “When you’ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will soon follow!” Expect a fiery speech followed by a dizzying round of... ...
I've been watching the six o'clock so-called news on the BBC. It is now 6:20. All I've seen is "Breaking News - Three freed hostages are back in Israel." his is accompanied by drone footage of... ...
Not a joke. Just received photo from daughter. Second time...previously in June. Tail is visible. She said its moving. They live in a ground floor maisonette in London. There's been a lot of... ...
When I say birds, I dont mean flight attendants... Seriously though, just seen a vid about aircraft colliding with animals (mostly flocks of birds, obviously, but also some with other animals on... ...
https://www.express.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/2000551/Dead-woman-walking-Rachel-Reeves-zombie-chancellor-government TBF she looks knackered, another 4 years to go love! ...
Reform leader Farage, has now earned £571,585 on top of his MPs salary in just under six months from external engagements. An average worker in Clacton the constituency Nine jobs represents would ... ...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c20n3xlye6mo Why are people so vain that they'll let even an expert hack them about, let alone a charlatan tatooist? She look fine before this yet she no doubt... ...
https://news.sky.com/story/lisa-nandy-says-public-should-not-be-worried-about-trouble-in-financial-markets-13286340 Right oh love, were they wrong to abandon ship when the titanic hit an iceberg... ...