Can you please fill in the missing 6 letter word in the following sentence about Jack and Lynne having a meal The gooseberry fool with Kiwi fruit for dessert was delicious, _ _ _ _ _ _ some of it. The...
Names of creatures - 1) Ithought they were out to gull me he would ------ (6 letters) 2)My ------ (6) look very handsome said his mother. 3)...was delicious. ------(6) some of it...... 4) ...had a...
Missing words are names of a creature. Everyone in the stag party group woke up with a ---------- (ten letters) The trousers were a mite long so they shortened them by a -------- (8 letters) Tks in...
Town,village or watercourse in the Derbyshire/Peak District area 1] Rising with prickles ? 2] Onion seller breaks for tea ? 3] Place of worship for machine wreckers ? 4] Flying mouse,cured pig leg,...
We have a monkey puzzle tree growng in our lawn. It gets plenty of sun, reasonably well drained and seems to be in good condition. However, although the main branches come in swirls of 3 or 4 per...
UK Place name that has WI (together) . Cryptic clue is - Snowfield in Adam Bede. I think it must be on the Wales - England border counties. Tks in anticipation.
Iam sure that I have seen some of these previously but cannot recollect seeing answers. Help please.Famous women via Cryptic clues. Yanking local nipper round. Tuesday in France is pointless so study...
1. Yanking local nipper round 2. Change into rabbit expert when nib removed 3. On tthe beach, that is, the beach by the sound of it 4. Mother,Miss Summer 5. Composed by Ravel jointly Thanks in...
A vegetable by the name of cucurbita pepo has a common name beginning with C. Pl settle an argument - is it Cucumber or Cantaloupe ? One word answer. Tks.
50% of the work of of the Youth Employment Agency 4,3,3 & 4 Inhalation, exhalation, preservation 4,4 & 6 A boil on a Scotsmans backside maybe 1,8 + 9 Simmer and squeal 6, 3 +6 Escort to Bath or...
Only halfway and already an emergency 3-4 6 Providential ?????? ???? A womans world ?? ???? ???? CI II ??? ??? ?? ??? Dial ???? ???? Glibness ???????? ?? ???????? thanks