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Have any of you ABers had a septoplasty? It is the name given to the straightening of a deviated central septum. (The cartilage along the nose is not straight, thereby I can only breathe out of one...
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When is the new series back on in the UK?
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While changing my 2y 2m old daughter,she sometimes scampers away.I have grabbed the back of her top (not roughly and spoke with a playful not stern voice) to stop her as how im sat legs apart she...
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Did they used to have this in McDonalds in the UK, or was it just wishful thinking.
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My 7 year old son was worried about his homework yesterday, which was to name the months in the seasons. Now does anybody know what they as I'm not sure. I told him, Winter- Dec, Jan, Feb Spring- Mar,...
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In England the law has changed. The victim no longer has to report the abuse. ANYONE ie. a friend, neighbour or family member can make the complaint to the police and press charges. A very recent...
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I asked my kids head teacher if they could be excused for 1 day so that we could attend a baptism in Ireland this weekend, (please bear in mind that this is a catholic school). Her response was yes to...
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Why is it that Primark hasn't got a website where you can buy from? I know not having it probably keeps their overheads down and helps keep prices down but it would be great if you could avoid all the...
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Why is everyone these days so desperate to try and hide their middle class roots, and so desperate to claim their working class credentials? I think you should have pride in where you're from and how...
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This may sound obvious but does a high IQ = high intelligence? I recently had my IQ tested and was told my score was 'above average' (139) so.... Why did I only achieve average results when at school...
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Hi - is there a company who sell proper salt beef by mail order or online? Thanks!
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<P align=left>Sorry if this seems to be in the wrong category, but I posted it in the &quot;Quizzes&quot; category and it lasted about ten seconds before it fell off the page, so I doubt...
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I need to get a collection of the very best party tunes for a party I'm hosting in the coming month! I asked for your help gathering the very best cheesy songs for a party I was...
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What do ABers think of the latest attempt by the PC brigade to take offence on behalf of a group they assume should be offended? "Bank bans piggy banks in case they offend Islam!" Covered in several...
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What do you call the crust of the bread at the top and bottom of a loaf? I call them the topper and the bottomer... original. My brother in law calls it the heal??? of the bread. My dad calls it the...
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After reading all of the Stephanie Plum novel and loving them.  My friends and I have been trying to think of actors and actresses that would play the main characters in a movie version.  We...
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset...
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I've had a lot of people telling me that this is the best cider about. So what's the big deal? I tried it, but I don't think it's the best on the market.
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 Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Take 1000 and add 40. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another...
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Su Wong marries Lee Wong. The  next year, the Wong's have a new baby.The nurse brings over a lovely, healthy,  bouncy, but definitely Caucasian,white baby boy."Congratulations," says...

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