Patent hairdressing from the Beecham Group first marketed in 1928 _ R _ L _ R _ E _ member of a body of lancers first employed by the Polish army _ H _ A _
14 dn two words4 and 5 letters main foe appears hence army's mustered 23 ac 7 letters redesign of lake takes time to block it 27 ac 7 letters start taking cereal blended in golden syrup
many problems today! 5 dn 9 letters desperate couple house son in poor condition 14 ac 9 letters adults swallow a single compound for pain relief 19 ac 11 letters nude man goes wild in new flat...
18 dn 6 letters ??c?p? tolerate a small volume,english pint 13 ac 7 letters t???l?? tiller's smashed- rose clambers over it 9 ac 7 letters ??a???m aussie bouncer'inside restaurant
25dn 4 letters join christopher shortly after noon k_i_ 3dn 6 letters powerhouse party welcomes lots who have been rejected _y_ _ _ _ 9 ac 6 letters divided nation said to be in nervous condition...