Advance notice, this quiz will not be available until 1st May however postal applications can be sent prior to this. 60 questions Cryptic/General Knowledge/Anagrams of place names in British Isles...
Advance notice. Well I did say hang on to the Gazetteer. I have decided to do another quiz for the team which will run from 1st May to end of October. There will not be a follow on but I will probably...
Has there been any amendments on this quiz as Qu 25 1st part has number of letters 5,6 and the 2nd part has 4,8. The surname of part one is the christian name of part two so one of them must be wrong...
This morning I received an email stating I had received a message from someone via Wayn. I was suspicious of it so didn't click on 'open message'. On the email there were 2 boxes to tick if I didn't...
Just a reminder of the closure of this quiz 31st December. Bear in mind the extra BH when posting. A number of people have said how much they have enjoyed the quizzes and wished they had known about...
Good morning one and all. As my latest quiz is my last for the team, may I give a friendly reminder that if you haven't already and would like to give your support there is still plenty of time to...
Can someone offer advice please. Car offered for sale in February, buyer sees car agrees a price for car plus an amount for storage. 3 weeks later pays £1000 deposit and states will pay rest later in...
This is my final quiz for the team and I can say that I have reached and exceeded the £2000 mark. However I haven't reached my personal best yet which I would like to do. I realise it is still early...
60 questions Cryptic/General Knowledge/Anagrams of place names in British Isles containing a Tool of the Trade/DIY/Hardware item. Closing date: 31st December 2015. 1st Prize: £10 / 2nd Prize £5...
Just a friendly reminder to return your quiz sheets by 30th June. Also should you wish to save on postage there is a follow on quiz so remember to send an SAE for the return of your marked sheet and...
Good morning to everyone. what a beautiful day here in Lincolnshire. To anyone who hasn't already but would still like to have a go this is a final reminder that my quiz is available, closing date is...
This is my first year of drawing my state pension (Sept 2014). Do I get a statement like a P60 from DWP giving information of what I have received covering the period from Sept to April 2015 similar...
Just a friendly reminder to say that this quiz is still available, sales are doing well but there is always room for improvement. Closing date is not until 30th June so I am hopeful that more requests...
I have just noticed the entry of my quiz in the 'Quizzes & Puzzles Round Up' and would like to clarify the wording which states - 'In aid of supporters of Buxton Mountain Rescue Team'. This quiz is...
Good news for these charities. Did enter in Chatterbank but thought it should also be entered in Quizzes section as we support MAGPAS and Lincs/Notts quizzes....
60 questions Cryptic/General Knowledge/Anagrams of place names in British Isles containing a past or present Manufacturer OR Model of mode of transport Closing date: 30th June 2015. 1st Prize: £10 /...