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Section each answer contains just one vowel which is used at least 3 times  5/ Former Ugandan seat of government  Section 4 Who or what is missing from the groups of 5 Liesl Louisa Birgitta and... ...
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I have sent this quiz away but can't remember what I had for this answer . Clue Complete absolutely total (6)  rhymes with clutter  Thank you. 
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3d/ Arranged in grading ?A?R??D  would it be paired  Thanks 
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What word goes after the first and before the second . 
4/ Coffee/ cake  7/ Hanoi/ Seymour . Section 2/ Each answer contains just one vowel which is used at least 3 times  6/ Full bodied dark nutty... ...
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3/ TFS AV 4/ PG (S) : EG  5/ FFTCM :AC 11/ COL:CD 12/ MV: BS  Thank you 
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Help please .4/ Blue ,Red ,yellow green 7/ Satluj, Ravi,Beas, Jhelum 8/ Lethe,Acheron. Phlegethon. Cocytus Section 5  Fish or fowl , 3/ Puck  4/Louisiana Thank you .  
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Needing help please .Identify the word or name with the letters BLE which links , e) Cretan fault bass, Gloucester  g) some, free, shooter,and ,spot. h) rough,and ,weed, and,dryer  I) gas,man,... ...
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Can anyone help please  9/ Goes for (6) rhymes with mouth  10/Burrowing rodent (6)  10b / Workshy bread maker (6) rhymes with 10a  20/ Nurses her wrath to keep it warm (4)  I know the line comes from... ...
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Help please. 
Phrases with vowels removed . 2/ PTY RFT NT  6/ NTH FRS TFL SHFY TH  9/ TH RL MCCY  11/ GNS TLL DDS  12/ SPR ST HDR VNS NW  15/ OM MNRG RDN  Thank... ...
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Help please. 5/ British rail partly woodwork tool  15/ One who commits a felony block water flow era (2)  20/ Four . Fourteen one true facts (2)  27/ Getting bad habits in the beginning  28/ German... ...
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Hope it is ok to post this. 
9/ Stellar object around 16,& the French (7)  10 Mo uses a mop (5)  13/ Wraps aroun hospital ( 7)  14/ Negative & tellurium to write on (7)  22/ B flat & F sharp are... ...
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I do quizzes not very good and ask for help on answerbank ,most folk are very helpful but every time I ask this one person ? Male or female is so rude ,I thought ab was for help .Getting fed up... ...
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Help please  8/ Smashing 30, 40 60 or 70 rule (4). 
7/ Phone sound bright reflection about  13/ CU for small pennies  18/ Clock face 3 by 3 times (2)  Thank you . 40/ Short mini cab avoidance (2)  45 /... ...
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2/ Bisto prefix my boy  3/ Large one belongs to me  7/ Phone sound bright reflection about. 
10/ Large urban area areas states of mediation first relax (2)  43/ Not old enough quaffing (2)  Thank... ...
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Help please 1/ Take away. Evade intentionally  10/ Large urban area states of meditation first relax (2)  16/ Ship's staff old measure golf aid  23/ Urgent situation knight clamp (2) 31/ Old Morris... ...
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Help with last one  Poolduetremain (8 6. 
Thanks  Breeds of dogs. 
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Help please  1/ Winged beauty (3,7)  11/ Used in warfare (5,6)  26/ Variety o fruit ( 5,6)  30/ Old jazz song ( 4 6 )  49/ Cocktail mixer ( 4,7 )  Thank you. 
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Help 7/ Discord ??? I?E  1d Frustrate There is 3 missing letters M? E  Thank you. 
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Help please  22/ Tunnel I have burrow for snakes home . 23/ Wasps home (8 letters )  24/ Ants home (9 letters ) I have graveyard . 19 Dirty .? 
no number of letters for the rest . 
Thank... ...
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Help please. 
5/ Caused by execution (4 4 4 )  10/ Rabbit ( (6 4)  26/ NZ betting team (6)  Thank you.   28/ Feathers on rear of a bird ( 4, 5) 

1 to 20 of 1906

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