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1321 to 1340 of 1870

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Help please 41 a Tireless ( 13 ) ? N ? ? ? A ? I ? K ? L ? Hope letters are right . 13a Radio exposure of a record ( 7 ) A ?? R ? ? ? Y. 36A illustrative fact ( 7 ) E ? ? ? ? ? E Thank you....
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Last one to get , help please 35a Tattler ( 8 ) t ? ? l ? o ? e Thank you....
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24a Formed the basis for ( 11 ? N ? ? ? P ? N ? E ? Thank you...
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My subscription to F-Secure internet security is nearly due I have tried to renew on line as it says but when I get to subscription renew with key number and press renew there is only a blank screen...
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Help please 19a Finds out about leaderless Arsenal (6) sorry don't have any letters 33a Did the top league object to division near the end of the season ( 5 ) S ? L ? ? 35A Top hurdler can't get lost...
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Stuck on last one can anyone help please . 16a Cashmere shawl ( 8 ) ? I ? H ? I ? A . Thank you....
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Stuck on 2 . 35d Edinburgh swimmer (6, 4, )Trevor / ? a / t hope letters are right. 106d Cunning ( 5 ) ? A ? ? E Thanks,...
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Help please . 9d/ I'd drive off with a Rangers star calling it a day. ( 5, 4, ) ? ? ? ? ? / ? E I ? 11D Would the old man get married to her ( 3 ) ? ? ? 13a Trained team to perform , perhaps ( 4 ) T ?...
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Can anyone help please on this last one , Which star broke SECC box records when he sold 45,000 tickets in just one day . a) Billy Connolly b) Kevin Bridges c) Paolo Nutini Thank you....
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Stuck on this last one which is probably easy/ 58a Of many kinds ( 7 ) ? I ? E ? ? E Thanks in advance....
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Help please I don't find this easy. 9a Unpleasantly noticeable quality (13 ) O? t ? ? ? ? ? e ? ? ? s 6d/ Traffic police's radar - post ( 5. 4. ) S ? ? ? ? / ? ? ? ? 22A Aircraft seating category ( 8,...
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Help please 7d Stimulating (experience )(10 ) ? ? ? ? T E ? ? N ? 14A 14A Formal attire ( 6 ) T ? ? ? ? O 34D Role ( 7 ) ? E ? ? O ? A Thank you. Hope the letters are right ....
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Thought I was finished but found more . 7d Front of a shop ( 6 ) ? A ? ? A ( I had facade but wont fit in with 22a Clarify ( 7 ) E ? P ? ? ? N. 18D ? ? A ? E. ( 5 ) Strongly desire is the clue ....
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Help please 41a Settle your differences ( 4,3,4,2, ? I ? S / ? N ? ? ? M ? ? ? U ? 34D Cause persistent irritation ( 6 ) ? A ? ? ? E Thank you....
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Last one , help please . 15d Arrange strategically ( 6 ) ? E ? L ? Y . Thank you....
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Can anyone help please 1 to get . 17a Singer who has a bridge named after him ( 5, 6 ) 17b Stiff straw hat with a flat crown. ( 6 ) Saw answer for 17b as sailor but don't think there is a sailor hat...
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Merry Christmas and thanks to all who have helped me in 2011.
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Needing help with 2 please , other one I need has been asked but not answered . 9b Slang name for an American dollar. to rhyme with Sam, (4, ) 17a Singer who has a bridge named after him , ( 5. 6. )...
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Thought I coulfd finish this but stuck again ,29a Call it a day when second best ( 4 ) ? T ? ? 2D Call time on European indication of incoming message ( 8 ) R ? N ? T ? N E Thanks , can't make...

1321 to 1340 of 1870

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