There that'll get you wondering he-he
peri knows what I mean but I wasn't gona do a FAO
btw...Morning everyone
Her Royal Highness, Queen Bobbisox of the North...
I tell my dentist I flossed every day when I only do once every 2 -3 days.
And that I only smoke 10 cigs a day,when I smoke 20!
I think she knows I'm telling porkies....
Which one of my theme tunes did you prefer for the show?
just looking at the pattern of posters that are a little off the radar (IMO) nicky111 has posted a total of 6 questions asking about impersonating boy george, isnt that a little odd ? especially...
I bought some personlised Christmas Cards online fron 24Studio, they came, very nice they are too, 8x6 good quality, this was about a month ago, inside the packaging was a letter saying I had been...
I am not sure if this is the right topic to post this in but as you lot seem to post more stuff in chatterbank and seem to know more about nothing than anybody else in other topics I will ask my...
The revalations about Tiger Woods show that he had a suprising lack of knowledge about the 'Rules of Bedroom Golf''
Today in WH Smith's was a display of large calendars and a banner: 'Get your Hero Calendar' - Jason Statham, Matt Damon, Vin Diesel, George Clooney and . . . . . . . . erm John Barrowman. Still...