I've recently bought a meter that displays, (amongst other things), the water temperature. I was shocked to see the temp go to 108c before the thermostat kicked in. Is this normal? I know it's under...
(14d) Immediately likes what grabs a couple, by the sound of it! (5, 2) TA?E? ?O.
(35a) To start with, Adele gets a German (yes!) to kiss a Greek hero. (4) A?A?....
Cryptic 10D Horse circling European writer got harder to mount (9) S ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D 13D Leap to ask earnestly about the church (9) ? ? ? ? E ? H ? T 14D Way to encourage fish (8) ? ? ? ? ? E ? ?...
its a pop record, possibly from the 60's maybe 70's and was quite famous
run right back i just can't bear it, i have a lot of love and want to share it
right right back to where you belong.....