Chillums question below made me think of Stag Beatles, which I believe are also called May Bugs. When I was young and lived in Wimbledon which had hardwood tree lined roads, we used to have to...
I'm fairly new to the South of England, and saw a big horrible beastie last night, that I'd like to identify. It was about 1.5" to 2" long and fairly meaty, about the size of my thumb. It had brown...
Thanks Jivebunny for your help. Here are some more that I am stuck on. 1)The antbear of the grasslands of Africa/ Thought it was ardvaark but im wrong. (8) 2)Public building in ancient Rome with an...
21d rosaceous plant or shrub with yellow 5 petalled flowers 32a addition or increase, one of a series on a scale 36a subtle differences in colour, or in shades of meaning, feelings etc
art form that represented a new brutalist style to english practitioners when it was introduced by le corbusier and others? (12) -r-h-t---u-- Holder of a professional qualification that in some...
hello my name is christy and i have a pet cat called Miffy ,he is 3 years old and is a american/british shorthair ! He attends cat shows with west riding pet cat club and he has a show on July...
This is the last hint I need, I swear! Please any help gratefully received for: 81 Direct horse gets home, by the way. (9,4) I have the 9 letter word but can't get the 4 letter - I know its a word for...