11down. Unladylike,this roaring?n(5,2,1,4) ?R???,??,A,?O?D.
9ac.Quiet look around I reland moved Sicilian dramatist(10) P?R?N???L?.Looks like perennials!...
stuck on one corner. 1a Budget holiday planning at any cost must include Italy (10) 1d Location making sense in audition (4) and 4d Fresher-smelling South African city (8) All help much appreciated....
Hi All. Stuck on last two in today's Everyman. 1ac, One may get bitter if one is used. (4,4). I have B-e- p-m-. and 17 down.Negligence round embassy.(8) I have -m-s-i-n. Ta for any help.
16d one in the bar putting tie into needlework. 8 letters I have -r-t-h-t I can only think of crotchet but don't see how that works with the clue.
Help appreciated...