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Geoff A

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I have Just noticed that I am on of the runners up on Last Saturdays Telegraph GK. I have done this crossword for years and this is the first time I have ever won anything. :-)
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Just trying to finish after a very hot day's toil. Does anyone know 20D University city in Italy with S.Emilio cathedral? Have googled for ages to no avail, and eyes too tired (and old) to squint at...
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type of harness horse
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Geoff A
48 acroos - In German legend an astronomer who sold his soul to Satan in exchange for knowledge Thanks in advance
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7d   An agent that causes extreme irritation to the nose and eyes in chemical warfare.    (11)     s?e?n?tat?r 9d    In greek mythology, one...
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What is a lateen-rigged ship with one or two masts, used mainly in arab countries? D_ _W Please help, thank you!
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Motor racing driver ?A?O
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plants with showy red white or yellow flowers  s-h-z-n-h-s-- member of muslim dynasty 16th to 18th century m-g-l  (can only find mughal) ring shaped bread rolls characteristic of jewish...

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