Stuck on the last two
50a (8) I mix grass in waste poroducts ***** I have
19d (4,9) Irish actress ***** I have
?A?? B???F??L?
Any help appreciated
Stuck on these .Would be grateful for any help 19D Irish actress (4,9) ?A??B???F??L? 34D Japanese sauce (5) S?O?W Not sure if the w is right 15D (5) cuttings from the bookie perhaps S?1?S Snips fits...
29D John--20th century protestant IRA commander and golf professional (6) G????M
32A Gold god appears to be a scribe
38D The reveal all nuts about disrespectful talk (7) ????)?
Thanks in advance...
9A Northern rockers go to south-eastern test series (5) ?S?E?
49A Cable network news reaches out- they make things better (9) E??E?C??S
Thanks in advance...
1A Annual irish festival (9) ???O?S??Y 46A and 1D 20th century author and journalist from Moycullen Co Galway (5,7) ?O?A?????E?D 44A A paint retouch over in Bahrain (5,5) B?R??O?HRE Thanks in advance...
34A.. .Bogey may have appeared in a Bond movie (5) S?O?K
32A ...Type of mechanical monkey used in a musical perhaps (6) G???S?
35D ...Traps adjusted near Scottish loch. (8) ?N?A?R?S...
10A Rises....abobe our level (8) ?U?M???S
23A/3D Equipped and ready for action like footballers up front (6,5) S??R????O???
29A Quit even if it's a hit (4)...