Completely stuck on last 3, help please anyone: 7d Organ pipe - have R?E? S?U? Think it is reed something! 8d Riding Style - have S?T?I?G ?R?T Think it is sitting something 14d Troop arrangements...
As a regular addict of this crossword I am sometimes bothered by the addition of "at sp" to a clue when it does not seem to matter. For example in today's puzzle 3a the answer could be cowrie or...
The clue for 15a appears to be grossly misleading. The answer has to be Kitakyushu ... but Kitakyushu did not exist in 1945 when the second bomb was dropped. It was formed in 1963 through the...
Struggling with last two, any help gratefully received: 16a Legal term for person guilty of wrongful act. Have ?o?t ?e?s?r 30a Roman pottery Terra sigillata. Have ?a?i?n ?a?e
29d Any of various rhizomatous perennial herbs of the genus mitella, also known as mitrewort. 17d The body of facts suggesting whether a proposition is true or valid
Late night! Many thanks