14a - give out illumination at low temperature - 9 letters i thought it was limelight but the light bit doesn't fit 10d - obligation to repay someone - 12 letters 5d- in which success is possible with...
I think I have gone wrong on this crossword somewhere as I can't seem to get two clues that should be relatively easy. Escape from prison (9) Decay, corrosion (13) Many thanks.
Hi, Can anyone help me from going totally mad??!!! I'm pulling my hair out trying to answer these final few UK Town Names clues .... can anyone come to my rescue? Travel to the fair (11) Protesting...
Music Director at La Scala in milan from 68-86 CLAUDIO ?B?A?O Labour minister for Sport 64-70 and 74-79 DENNIS ???E?L 15th Century Italian artist who painted Adoration of the Shepherd ?????? ???O?E?T?...