I have two council bins and have to separate the household rubbish accordingly so why is it that if I'm out on the streets and need to put anything in the bin I find that the rubbish is all mixed...
Just been reading up on this and apparently its illegal for a shop to sell a carrier bag if it has its name. All legal stuff to do with the government and p.m and the queens speech. Has anyone else...
Been watching it this week and noticed that the nudist b and b from Birmingham is on it again. .wonder how many times you can compete or are they just getting desperate for people!
I think its ross anyway, the one who is in hospital, anyone notice how his beard is nice and tidy, amazing when he has been kept in a van, buried and then in hospital for however long.
on my pc, its so annoying, I'm trying to get my screen words and pics smaller and now by messing about with things ive managed to put a thick blue line around everything I click on, even whilst typing...
Just turned on my p and the screen words and pics and background have all gone big and I cant get them back to normal. I am running windows 10. please can anyone help