watched a bit of him on paul o'grady today, and the more i see of him the more camper he gets and isnt he putting on a lot of weight, michael ball i mean not paul!
i was reading a few posts the other day about could you dump your partner becuase of an annoying habit they have, but now cant find the thread, does anyone have it please, many thanks
anyone know why im getting,"your e mail was read by so and so at such and such a time on a date" in my inbox, it doesnt happen on all the mails just some of them i havent requested a receipt for them....
do people really vote for this or is it just make believe because i cant for one minute imagine why niki was voted off for same difference to stay they are hardly "pop" material
anyone watch this and if so, the girl and her husband who were buying the estate agents old house looks very familiar can anyone tell me what she has been in, many thanks
a friend of mine has to go to court because someone says they keyed a car, they dont have any proof of seeing them do it only the scartch on the car, IF they are found guilty what might the result be...
just put clean fresh sheets on my bed, and cant wait til tonight and have a bath or shower then get into bed and sleep in my lovely clean sheets, what is it about them thats so comforting??