My grandson tells me he has "Freshers Flu". I just feel I want to go and mop his brow and look after him.I helped deliver him and he's very special to me,even though he's now over 6 feet and...
Has anyone else been seduced by their adverts. I was and they don't do what they say.They do the exact opposite to "Lift and Separate" I should know better by now.
Have just sorted out the freezer and have found 2lb of minced lamb and 6 pork chops that must have been there for a while. Any suggestions for something a bit different.Thanks.
A friend has been waxing lyrical about an orange cake she had on holiday. She tried to get the recipe but they would'nt give it to her. Apparantly the oranges have to be boiled. Has anyone heard of a...
I have just made a dozen Creme Brulees to take to a party tomorrow. When they have cooled would it be OK to put the sugar on and caramelise them or would they go peculiar in the fridge overnight. I...
I have a friend who thinks she is entitled to a PPI refund on a couple of credit cards. I have tried to persuade her to write directly to the companies involved,but she is adamant that she wants a...