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can anyone help with 27a 45 a51a 35 d
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GK Fanatic
13d The shortest distance between two points ??R?I??T ???E Hypoteneuse doesn't fit !!!!!!
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7d Supernatural beings that can become visible to human beings 7 letters
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5d ... one of the greek islands that is not known as a tou rist destination. -N-R-S. andros certainly is a greek island but i fail to understand the clue. anyone elucidate?
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GK Fanatic
I was being so clever this morning catching our Sunday...yes SUNDAY collection of post that I forgot to keep a note of the four key words from yesterday. Help please ???
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GK Fanatic
Incense from tree E?E?I
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GK Fanatic
33d The forests in the USA ? T?I?A
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Just received a letter with the pen and book tokens, saying I have won the gk 710....I think from 2 weeks ago.
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32d - rearing bees for the commercial production of honey A*I*U*T*R* 16a - death was his retribution for lying, according to the New Testament, ACTS 5 *N*N*A*
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41a In Hinduism ,the chief solar deity who is represented with golden hair and arms.(5) Many thanks in anticipation.
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One week from now, Big Brother will open the doors to a brand new secret House hidden right next door to the main House. And in that secret House will live five brand new housemates... plus one of the...
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Judy Colley
Can anyone help with 35across; Belgium lacemaking city? Also 27across:
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GK Fanatic
Having travelled around Tajikstan at least 3 times since breakfast I now give up with the former name of its highest mountain. I've got ?T?L?N???K Helllppp !!
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GK Fanatic
1d Radio aerial of two rods of equal length ?I?O?E 7d time based on the earths rotation with respect to a given star ?I?E?E?L Thanks from a jetlagged sleepyhead !!!
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GK Fanatic
Oh no now i can't decide on the Ursine path or Path ursine.....what on earth does it mean anyway ???
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GK Fanatic
Is 24d Herald and can you help with 21a please. Its tooo late and I'm toooo tired !!!!
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what colour on the board are bow st,marlborough st and vine st.
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GK Fanatic
I'm stuck on 9d the bike chain and socket. I've got ?E?A?L?E?R
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Pieter?, first and most famous in a line of dutch painters of the 16th-17th centuries ?O?U???E?
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13ac. In computer science, a data structure commonly associated with sorting? (6) ?u???t.

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