My last one, thank goodness cos I'm not really into football! A stern chat that is followed by unfair penalty for Americans (1,3,3). A ?U? R?P, I can only think of A Bum Rap . . . Many thanks.
1d What youl get two feet forward, or more upwar (4,2,5)? Pair of s - e - s. Steps? Why Stuck on this. 40d Southern Chinese touring Hong Kong initially before rearing tiger (5,4)? s - e - e/ - - - -...
a brief era of dearth (?h?n????) transfixes fruit in ship(6 letters) take steps as intending to be tip-top tipster (5-4) the company is doing better with no return ticket (??u?o?) this vessel ought to...
Can anyone help 6d semiconductor ac to dc (5) diode?? 9d Caribbean island off the coast of Venezuela (5) A?u?a 33d compound produced by reaction between acid and alcohol with the elimination of water...