2d 8 letters usher in charge of a coat of arms h_r_ _ _i_ 12d 3 & 8butterflies from dam sail right over flushing _ _d _d_i _ _s 8d 6 letters empties net on seafront c_e_r _ (is it 'clears' )and if so...
13 down offspring of the rich lend out ?h?????n 18 across in bottom place (we lost badly) ???es? 25 across some point rudely,and enter without permission i???u?? 27 across flaming red ??d??
21A Cylindrical metal casing containing explosive charge, often a bullet, for a rifle or other small arms? (9 letters) ?A?T?I??E Last One to finish! Many Thanx in advance Lisa xx
Can anyone help with these crossword clues? Quantity of drinks and drunk goes to church hop? (5,5) R???D ?A?C? American composer to look over, receiving dull sound (7) ?????A? Crude features of 13's...
1) Third from last (15) 10) Clearing away (7) 28) Area of ancient Greece known for contented people (7) 30) Play satrising the way of life and customs of a social class (6,2,7) 17) Formal works on a...