Help please 7D: The amphibian left, having lost its head (3) E?T: EWT? 15A: State it's crazy; end back in Sunday service (7):G?D??S?: GODLESS? 17D: A delivery from a British detective unit? How sweet!...
1A: Help? Keep your pants on, it's only little brother in a poker hand! (4,2,6) P??? ?? B????S 2D: Theyare charged when I get on before a cardinal (4): ??N? 3D: It's a sign of love, chaps (4): ??E?...
When making this cheese, a small quantity is found in part of the foot! (5)
T?M?E. I found TAMIE for cheese. Is that right? MITE-small quantity. I don't get the foot bit....
8,9 A: Fungus that will keep your clothes closed (6,8): ??M?O? MUSHROOM 15A: Geometric shape that has no horse upon it (7): POLYGON ? 1D: Less important worker of lower rank (11): A???R?????E 2D:...
11A: Man with information on the last post (4): ?E?T
23A: Soldiers love to find a German man in armoured vehicles (5,5): ?T??? R?N?S
4D: Give out the wrong time (4): E?I?
Thanks in advance...
I had to change an existing answer. Now, for 5D- It's used for cutting the pack(3-3)- I came up with ACE-AXE. Is there such a thing?
Thanks very much again....