Watch out all you Answerback funtrivia quiz experts I am back tomorrow !!!!!!! Up-date on the other half - She had an operation on her arm today and they are allowing us to fly home tomorrow - muchj...
help needed please stuck on last two 35a a natural earth used as a yellow or red pigment 5 -c -r m 26d a tau cross eith a loop on top -appearing in egyptian names 4 a--- thankyou
help needed please last two 2down french term meaning blow of mercy 4 2 5 c-u- -o -r--e 28a gathering for the sale of goods -often with entertainment 4 -a-r i think the obvious answer is fair but my...
help needed please last 2 12a synthetic textile fibre made from cellulose 5 -a-a- 18d anniversary on which something is two hundred years old 11 --c--t--a-y thankyou
I've just won the Mephisto...again! I mentioned here the fact that I'd won one first and two consolation prizes in that competition within the space of just a few weeks last summer. And here we go...
help needed please am really stuck 7d essentially a- h-s-t 2-5 8d obligatory d- r-e-e-r 2 -7 i think i must have 11a wrong i put taste for 11a nasal quality am i thick thankyou
help needed please stuck on last 2 15a flower shaped decoration 7 t-s-t-e 24a 15 circler g-r-u-navigator it looks as if i could have something wrong thankyou
help needed please stuck on last 2 22a base of a word to which inflectual affixes are added -t-- 4 and19d pad in a piano that prevents the vibration of strings d--p-r 6 thankyou
Help is cheap, but thanks don't cost much either. Do any of you regulars sometimes wonder if the question asker has even taken the trouble to see if the question has been answered? Some may say that...