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8d sleeveless garment fastening up the front and often made from a quilted fabric. g?l?t. thanks
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2d council region and former province of south island new Zealand. o?a?o thanks
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36a ( of the voice) resonant; booming. o??t??d. thanks
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32a a film or book about an early stage of a story of a character's life. ?r??u?l. thanks
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7d formerly, an officer of an ecclesiastical court one of whom features in chaucers Canterbury tales. s?m?o??r. thanks
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23a - owl, a large bird of prey of tundra regions, with a white plumage flecked with brown. ???w?. 18d a tenant who is under a contract. l????e. thanks
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16d relating to, sung by or designed for an organised group of singers. c?a??l. 29d a tropical African tree whose oily seeds yield a butter like white fat used in food. ?h?a. thanks
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13a shaped like an egg. o?a?e. thanks
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11a an upholstered bench. b?n??e??e. thanks
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33A artists studios or workshops. ?t?l?e?s. thanks
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21d a shelter for cows. cattle/?y?e
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22a George the pen name of a 19th century French novelist who controversially wore mens clothing and smoked tobacco in public. s?n?. 28d - sausage the chiefly us and Canadian name for a large smoked...
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61d minute unicellular organisms. p?o?o??a. thanks
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46a the arrangement or plan of something such as a building. l????t.70a a drink with a fruit base, usually sold in concentrated form and diluted. ?I?d??l. 21d a department of central france named...
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11a a rod of dried perfumed paste giving off a fragrant odour when burnt as incense j?s?/stick. 15a iced coffee drink. f?a?pe. 31a a porous rock consisting of calcium carbonate used for buildings....
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31a diving birds of northern oceans with black and white plumages. ?u?s. 35a the common people, the masses. ??ebs. 36d trenches or ditches that convey water to mill wheels. ??a?s. 19a a small...
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36a makes last, especially by frugal use. e??s/??t. thanks
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31a small low growing e plant that poet Geoffrey Chaucer called the eye od the day. d?i??. 24d a large amphibious rodent that inhabits river banks in central and south America. ?a????r?. thanks
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13a order of vertebrates that includes frogs and toads. a?u?a. 35a a sharp light spear especially one made from the wood of a southern African tree of the same name. a?s??a?. thanks
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31a the yeasty froth on fermenting malt liquors. ?a?m. 38d a stratagem for gain, swindle. ?t?m. thanks

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