Stumped again!9a Diminishedsusceptibility to pain.???a?g?a. 10a.Of adolescent period in life of history of an invidual. n??n?c. 4d Fossilised fish spine i???h?o?u?y?i?e.All the clues i've got seem...
Eastern state's capital has also taken over south-eastern state (5) T?E?O
Would appreciate explanation as well as answer if possible please. Thanks in advance....
22 across Plant of the Thorn Apple genus of the family Solanaceae
6 letters
I have _ A _ H _ A
I can only tink of Baphia or Raphia
Many thanks in advance
Taff Williams...
Anyone else been having trouble logging on? Can't get past the log in page Chrome says server error. This seems to be happening a lot lately or is it just me?