There have been several impatient people today exhorting the people who have asked questions to use Google before they use Answerbank. Not everyone is a whizz kid when it comes to the internet. I'm...
It now turns out that Emma Williams(who played Lady Deadlock's maid in Bleak House" has been hired to play Maria in Andrew Lloyd Webbers new production of "Teh Sound of Music" a spokesman said she...
Why does ITV insist upon butchering our language? First it was Jeremy Kyle on about someone being "patently ignorant" then on Emmerdale tonight it was apparently "patently obvious" - it's...
i booked a long weekend away for my bfs birthday to see a football match, do a couple of other activities he'd wanted to do, dinner etc etc. his birthday is on a monday but we're actually going away...
Stupid -E-L-S- Good adjective for Superman -T-E-Y I know these are from last week but just realised that I haven't done it and there's still time to post it. Thanks in advance
First time I've ever asked! This week's EV: 15ac One regularly turned round by the car port (4). I have T-RE. One is I or A. Regularly turned is TRE. So either TIRE or TARE. But car port??? Is it me?
A couple of weeks ago I had help from various ABers with a local church flower festival quiz One of the clues 'wild on the mountainside' a flower 5 letters I think it was crofter suggested oxlip I was...
Why do some people never give feedback to our answers? I answer questions because I enjoy it and I don't expect undying gratitude for my efforts. Some people are so nice when you get an answer for...
Having wrestled with Mepham's TWO senior moments this week, I am stuck on 5d (thin tissue used in cooking); 11d (1958 sports car designed by Donald Healy); 24d (subemerged ridges of coral near surface...