Stuck on two
22a Important people in the Sunday Times and similar (7) I have H??V?ES - is this heavies, and if so, why? and
20d Repair wall front but not top (6) reface??
Help, please
Times cryptic Sat 24203 Having trouble: 24d - Old quarrel is to get very heated (5) - I have B?O?? and 29a - Mistake in printer's proof (4) - I have ???P - is this poop? If so, why? Help please!
23a old actor not allowing women to go with leading lady (6) - I have ?t???r. 17d What cattle go through, circling near African city (8) - I have ?o?r???a. Help please before I do something I might...
Times Cryptic 24173 Will someone please put me out of my misery: 13d Prepared money for circulation (5,2,4) I presume is READY TO ROLL, so what are: 29a We'll bottle popular red and white in great...