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rules summarising planetary movements _ _ _ _ _ R _/_ _ W _ early form of battery using sulphuric acid _ _ _ _ E _ L/_ _ _ L final communications setting conditions to be met _ _ _ I _ A _ A
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in music, very heavily accented _ A _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O Two-wheeled passenger vehicle drawn by one or two people _ I _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ _
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upheavals U _ T _ R _ S
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Scarcity, shortage R _ _ _ N _ S _ sets down in writing N _ _ _ T _ S
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Argumentatively C _ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ O _ I _ Y
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memorable phrase used in a publicity campaign _ _ _/ _ _ _ _
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1. obliteration of a radio signal byanother more powerful one W _ _ E _ _ _ 2. Person whose knowledge covers a wide range of subjects _ O _ _ _ _ _ H 3. Junior doctor who lives in the hospital he/she...
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implement devised by English agriculturise Jethro Tull in 1701 S _ _ _/ D R _ _ L Spanish or Portuguese nobleman of the highest rank _ _ _ N _ _ _
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registered trade name for system of projecting widescreen movies _ I _ T _ _ _ _ _ O _ English painter noted for study of animals _ A _ F _ _ _ _
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In India and Pakistan revolution _ N _ I _ A _ slang term for a convict or ex convict old/_A_
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lower chamber of UK parliament or Stock Exchange (the latter informally) t _ _/_o_i_
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narrow pole forming the body of an arrow, spear etc S _ A _ T
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18th letter of the hebrew alphaber S _ _ _ _
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southernmost region of S America comprising parts of Argentina and Chile _ A _ _ _ O _ I _ act of coming or going out of a place E _ R _ _ S
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1. plural form of the Latin for 'fish' P _ _ _ _ _ 2. something vexatious: from French, 'against time' _ O _ _ _ E _ E _ _ _ 3. production, design, operation of aircraft _ _ I _ T _ _ N
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Regionally variable weight of arounf 11 kg in Spanish American regions _ R _ O _ A
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dramatist, author of The Head Of The Family _ B _ O _ T Typical name for a rustic _ O _ G _
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in Canada a link to report wrongdoing; also in quidditch (Harry Potter) the item whose capture ends the game _ N _ T _ H/line South African dialect now called Sotho _ _ S _ T _
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1. novels of semi-rural middle classes _ G _/S _ G _ _ 2. Formulator of th wave theory of light Christiaan _ _ Y _ E _ _ 3. rebellious movement against the ministry of Cardinal Mazarin _ _ _ N _ _
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in America the player of a jazz guitar _ X _ A _

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