I see David Blunkett has had a run in with a cow, well me and hubby were also in the Peak District at the weekend, and had a bit of a scary encounter with a herd of bullocks. Now I'm not normally at...
http://www.entertainmentwise.com/gallery/wenn5 232528.jpg Is this a real photo of Jessica Simpson or is it fake? I hope it's genuine 'cos I, for one, think she looks gorgeous
you Love/ Hate ?? I like allpeople, but very sorry to any Brums, don't like that accent, adore the liverpool one and the Scottish, especially the west like Glasgow I like the West country one too ,...
When spinning the rear wheel on my girlfriends Kawasaki GPZ 500s (98) the is an amount of play between the wheel and the housing that holds the cush drive. The wheel moves a fraction before the...
Anybody know any good websites for tattoo designs, i really fancy one going from my foot up onto my ankle, something delicate and feminine, possibly floral. Wont be getting it done for a while yet as...
someone have a fetish ? I have just been looking on Ebay at shoes and there advertised are a 'well worn' pair of shoes. They are in a right horrible state, there is even a photo of the woman with her...
Having bought ready mixed fuel for the strimmer the last couple of times, the cost is so astronomical that l thought of mixing it myself. Can someone give me the recipe. What octane fuel, what type of...
Iv been with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years, things were great untill 5 months ago when some problems came up with his family and me (which he never stood by me). That seems to have effected him, his...
We have people from poland working with us, its really hard even conversing with them, in fact its hard work,i thought that the reason was to bring skills in to this country,sorry they bring nothing...
on the back of the whole bgt thing...what's YOUR party trick that would amaze the public.????.everybody has a favourite thing be it gross or whatever...pray tell!