Stuck on these clues ,any help appreciated,thanks. 10 across-Unending hill to get to house? I'm tired(5,2)????H ?? 4 down- Clever group becoming very hungry(5,3)???R? S?? 16 down - Bully in quarrel to...
2 down - Fabulous bird,little tease half waving,posh?(9) Impundulu? 5 down- Jewelled pendant? Left granny's maybe I reel excitedly(10)Lavalliere? 30 across- Does it give flavour to Sandy's gin,stonker...
Any help with these clues would be appreciated,thank you. 10 across- Beg florin briefly- stir follows(9)?LA????? 18 across- Jock maybe having beers for nothing,look, in direct flight for Scotland(10,2...
Any help with these clues would be appreciated,thank you. 25 across- Shakespearian star's OU degree with Early English included (5) P??PE 7 down- Nurse leaving mess under stove is provoking for a...
Any help with these clues would be appreciated.Thank you. Mephisto first. 9 across-As before,include one term in examination that's stiff(8) ??C????? 31 across- Splash in Sun coming after(7) ??????R 5...
Any help with these clues would be appreciated.Thank you. 1 across-Keen,right away,to cover crack in old apparatus(8)E??????E 27 across-Two women,one posh and one common,appearing in Beetle(8)????????...
Stuck on these clues,any help would be appreciated. Thank you. 5 down-No strangers to snow-a few turned up holding something of use to them(7)ES?I?O? 16 down-Stone put on,dieted maybe without...
Any help with these clues would be appreciated,thank you. 1 across-Faerie Queene's hurt dandy in silence(5)S?A?? 6 across-Mooch's first,for instance,behind dry refuse(6) ?EG??S 33 across- In...
Any help with the following clues would be appreciated.Thank you. 13 across-Very hard eggs put around OK? Cut top off(7)?E????? 8 down-Clear meditation in japan captivates one keen blogger?(7)S?E????...
Could anyone please give me a start with these 4 clues? Thank you. 1across-Oldies' get-together that has Bess and ma tangling with a sort of eel(12) No letters. 35 across-Edge Reds out,allowing crowd...
Stuck on a couple of clues,any help would be appreciated.Thank you. 13 across-Charles Darwin's forensic test (4)ES?? 32 across-Woods in India heads off when young lady shows disapproval (7) S?S???S 26...
Could anybody give me a kick start please,as I'm really struggling this week? Thanks. 1 across-Women start to gas among cockney mates having --(7) 7 across-Some ariel gazelles turned over sticky...
Stuck on these 3 clues,any help would be appreciated.Thank you. 28 across It's used in tanning skin with hair attached(5) ?UR?N 32 across Big bowls filling for mendicant Harijans(8) ?AN?HA?I 33 across...
Stuck on these last 2 clues,any help would be appreciated.Thank you.
21 across- Dog hides tail after phosphorus feed(9)P?O?E?D??
20 down-Big fish-both sides consumed by chief(6)????I?...
Stuck on these last 3 clues,any help would be appreciated.Thank you. 16 across-There's no end to term of depression(5)HI??R(Possibly HILAR)? 26 across-Very styicky stuff desperate character had(7,two...