Dry bathroom walls in house for children (5)
L-T-O The answer seems to be LOTTO TT is dry and LOO can be bathroom in the US
But "house for children"? Is house a children's version of lotto?...
29 down Frosty ground around N (7) ---o-t- 18 down Ebbinghofs not odd (4) -i-o 28 across Born, died unknown, bereft (5) y-e-- PS These could be some clues of the type x-rays with a lone letter at...
Does crack and cocaine lines within department store, primarily (8)
The answer is DECRYPTS. D-----TS is department store, primarily
I don't get ECRYP...
Graduate returned key thats packed up. BALED I can parse BA plus the key of D but EL?
One-time prisoner avoiding judgement in Prohibition EXCLUSION I can parse EX CON but not LUSI...
13 down 7,3 Operative in USSR, possibly peripherally as foreign agent Answer must be Russian Spy. First four letters come from USSR, possibly peripherally is PY at the end. That leaves IANS in the...
Old critic getting girl to leave sexy dance (4) LAMB?
I think Lamb may have been an eighteenth century literary critic.
Sadly Leo leves stately home in ruins - it's a gem (8) AMETHYST?...
I've lost part of a cycle D lock, not the vertical lockable bar but the curved bit (in the shape of a reversed C). I've also still got the keys of what was a very expensive lock, (extra large size)...
Ending in Germany, look out (if I were you) for a German sport!
The answer I think, is YACHTING. I can parse ING (in Germany) but can't get the YACHT...
25a) Very good gimbri intro intended, say, for Chinese White? (7) I've got PIGMENT and can parse "intended" as MENT, but how does PIG allude to "very good gimbri" Gimbri is a kind of guitar, by the...
Can anyone explain why the Prize Crossword isn't available on their website, although the printed version is available. PS. I do subscribe to The Guardian.