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1921 to 1940 of 2899

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...a full head of hair? I can't think of an old bald pop star....
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Not sure what to have tonight as I went a bit mad yesterday lunch time and had a big mac meal with full fat coke (yes that old traditional sunday lunch) So I need to cut down on the calories Think I...
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look at the comments under this article from today's Mail On Sunday about Anthea Turner's husband being unfaithful to her: http://www.dailymail....-affair-woman-24.html It appears hardly anybody has...
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I have been researching on my local area. One of the directories comes up with trades and professions and one person is listed as laroker. Never heard of this and found nothing on google so far. This...
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I need to book UK rail tickets for a weekend in December .... none of the websites are booking this far ahead .... I need to do now as planning the weekend as a gift .... how can I book the train...
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Yesterday a woman came into the shop with her mum, her son and daughter. She told me she was wanting school shoes for her wee boy as he was starting school in August. So I gladly measured him up and...
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The 9.5lb kids could feed a load of hungry teenage boys. ;-0
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Firstly, how often do you want sex. And secondly, how often do you get sex. And based on these figures are you happy enough with your sex life or does it cause issues?
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My daughter-in-law had a very traumatic labour with her first baby. Ended up with a Ventouse delivery and significant bladder damage. She swears she won't be having another baby unless she could have...
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WE SHALL fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them in the fields and on the landing grounds, said Churchill in 1939. Unusual use of the word 'we'. I was on Omaha Beach having my leg shot off and...
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If you could take your car to a circuit (or 'other' road) anywhere in the world to drive around all on your own, no speed limits, no other road users for as long as it took to put a smile on your...
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Before i went on holiday a week ago, i locked my car as usual and came in the house before proceeding to hide my keys somewhere so my brother couldn't get them. Now i'm back, i have no idea where i've...
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Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it...
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the sky is a very odd colour, and i've just heard the distant sound of thunder. i think it is just about to get very very wet out there. will this never end?...
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Heard in a Tunnel in Dorset, did the earth move you my love?
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i recieved a police warning in 2009 for the miss use of drugs. i never got taken to the police station n i cant remember signing anything. but i did get a letter. will this show up on a police check,...
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I have taken out a policy with Aviva for when I die, it's to cover my funeral expenses. There is one clause I am not quite understanding: 'We only pay the death benefit on one occasion and once this...
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They settled in well and im sure they are loving their new coop :-)) http://s106.photobuck...41/RATTER15/Chickens/...

1921 to 1940 of 2899

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