16 down
Slough was his place - at first job title rejected (8)
keep thinking it's something to do with David Brent in the Office but probably wron.Any help appreciated...
last two - 1 down Man with what looks like mark on the front of his pants (4) a?d? is it andy? 15 across - one may be taken for English PM perhaps (4) e?a? is it exam? all help appreciated thanks...
last one
Public indignation as tax too much (8)
It most be " over" something but I'm struggling fitting the " tax" element in.
Any guidance welcomed - thanks...
Barrel parts dropping hard?It was an accident (4)
Repeat words of later books, including current rating (8)
any help appreciated - thanks...
20 down - 7 to send up fictional cop ( 7) s?a?s?? 27 across - polar bears ultimately look horrid ?c?? 9 down - small bricks good in 7 ?e?e last three so nearly there !- all help appreciated...
7 down Thingummy loves squash and a rich drink (10)
11 across
Mount and enter with this small scale difficulty
????a?o (7)
anyn help appreciated - thanks...
is 6 down " goatee"?
is 24 across " gradient"?
19 down (6)
20 down (6)
european issue showing up a bit of light (6)
any help welcomed thanks...
are 6 down and 24 across " goatee" and " gradient" ? 19 down slowing up about to stop straightening up? ?i???r 20 down european issue throwing up a bit of light ?a???r any help welcomed -thanks...
last two 16 across one into 13 visits local worker for mystagogue (10) ?i?r???a?t 14 down unwise to be disrespectful about leader in russia (9) i???i?e?t any help appreciated - thanks...
7 down
extreme letters when chasing beer and flowers (7)
16 across
reportedly grab a salad of sorts (6)
any help appreciated - thanks