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12a) Recoiling revolver? (7) R?T?T?R could it be - ROTATOR 15d) Ceremonial code of rights, say (6) R???A? could it be - RITUAL 16d) The northern church from that time (6) T??N?E...
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1. Recoiling revolver? (7) R?T?T?R 2. Delete when industrial action has finished (6,7) S?R?K?, ?H???G? 3. Obstacle currently used? (8,5) ?L?C????, F?N?E 4. Ceremonial code of rights, say (6) R???A? 5....
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1. Not the easiest threads to disentangle (7) E?????? 2. The very woman mother selfishly disguised (7) ??R???C 3. Number of Muses are quietly at home - it's part of the game (7) ??N???A 4. Vivid...
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3d) Another name for european bison (7) W?S?N??
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34) Three sheets in the wind (5) ?R?N?
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1. Properly arranged water supply requisitioned (4-7) ?E?L - ?R?E?E? 2. Little flower (7) R?V?L?T 3. Travelling round the capital of Albania making inroads (7) R?I?I?G...
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1. In which a remarkable number of females may be seen (5) H???M 2. Travelling round the capital of Albania making inroads (7) R???I?? 3. A certain point should be zero (6) ?O???T 4. Properly arranged...
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1. As rough help, one could be used on the farm (11) ?L???H????? 2. Yet to be charged (7) ??R?D?N 3. Cupboard requiring more air? (7) A?R???? 4. Unusually verbose notice (7) ??S?R?T 5. Making a...
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Man one always includes (4) N?A?
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1. Ride past (4) R?D? 2. One takes a step back at earliest convenience initially (4) ?S?P...
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1. Combine resources with organisation to catch the lady (4,8) C?U?, TOGETHER 2. Male and female, it's the same either way (5) ??X?? 3. Pete's becoming embarrassed and harassed (8) ??S???E? 4. Make a...
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1. Spy breaks rank (4) ??R? 2. Ecclesiastical law I state (9) A?N?????L 3. Study solid support (7) ????I?M 4. Fury at pet's anorexia spreading (12) ?????????I?N...
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29a) Genealogy chart (4) ??E?
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L?A?I?G certificate, the final examination in the Irish secondary-school system
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1. Collector of numbers teaches craftsmen (5-7) T????, ???T?E? 2. Bighead in dance is one resisting authority (5) R???? 3. Cultivated it in extremity of Earth (6) ????T? 4. Container set up for writer...
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63a) Self-obsessed person (10) N?R?I?S?S? 60a) Abuse scornfully (6) I?S?L? 53a) Tint (7) P?G?E?T 39d) Make tense or angry (4,2) ?I?D, ?P 35d) Down the side of (5) A?O?G 51d) Initial test (3-3) T?Y -...
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1. By way if being deserving or commendable (2,5) O?, ?E??? 2. Tending towards radical or progressive political views (7) ??F??ST 3. Staid and dignified in a manner associated with a middle-aged,...
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1. Agreement made by lady going round cold (4) ?A?T 2. Almost late in finding a bone in a heap (8) M?R?B?N?...
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1. Imitate a mule, it's frisky (8) ??M?L?T? 2. Ambrose, having suffered a loss, is terribly melancholy (6) ??S?R? 3. Former archbishop's place of worship (6) E?M??? 4. Write a letter (disciplinary)...
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1. Sharp turn for female outside-right (6) W?E??? 2. Show a note for him (6) E?E???...

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