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21D I think the answer is elm but I cannot fathom out how it is connected with the question. Any takers, please? Many thanks in advance and Merry Christmas.
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Normal practice for an upper-class scholar (5) U _ A _ E Deceptive movement not easily descerned one hears (5) _ E _ N _
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Should I invest my money in this book, or is it just some hyped up junk?
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How were mathematical problems e.g. multiplication and division carried out.
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hi can anyone tell me what the song is called in the new honda advert, were a man is driving different honda cars, bikes and a boat, a line to this song is"dream the impossable...
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When playing a DVD the sound from the last TV Channel is coming through as well as the sound track of the film. Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution? More a question of how it doesn't...
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Whenever there is a programme or film about WW2 on tv, the German officers are always seen in open topped cars. Was this a common feature or just an invention of the film/programme makers? Surely the...
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what were galens three main mistakes

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