I have got a bit of bee in my bonnet and I wondered whether I was over reacting I know a lad who is in the army but his unit is never posted. The army has taught him to drive and given him a trade.He...
Please can you help with the last 3 3 The reason that my umbrella's up (9 4 7 2 2 4) 12 Maybe it's a scared haddock (9) 32 Pop's Belgian town or battle (8) I think that the answer is Waterloo nut I...
5 Bart’s reporter (4 7)
42 I'm leaving , take me home (4 6) could this be John Denver?
44 Oil his chair (4 7 11)
Please can you help with the last 3?...
Please can you help me with the last 3 clues all relate to names of places in Great Britain 36 ROM weed could be polygamist (7) 77 His Twitter page declared “Now you know what’s...
48 extras of which oscar winning 1996 movie all died within a year of filming Please can you help This is the only question I can't get apart from 2 of the pictures of places with something missing 34...
please can you help with the last 3?
Scratch or Scrape - Could it br Scrabble - (no letters)
Cars Makes or models
Light Bulb - Mazda?
Old Money
Please can you help me with the last 4? 16 What is the only vegetable that is also a flower 48 Which vegetable in USA is the main source for ethanol used as a substitute to fuel cars 65 Which song by...
Please can you help me with the last 5 Answers all contain a christian name within a song not always the title 2 M (8) 6 C (9) 7 R R (6 5) 25 B B J (5 5 6) 60 I T Y H A K (3 4 3 4 5 8) Happy to help...
Can anyone help with a couple of 'funny' Quiz questions such as what was the Jolly swagman's name - answer Andi Oh there once was a swagman camped in the billabongs Under the shade of a Coolibah tree...
As I was unable to park outside my own nhouse I parked on the main road. I was extremely careful not to block any driveway or anyone's way. The house I parked in front of has an extremly wide entrance...
I have an Epson Stylus DX3800 printer asnd for some reason the print is coming out uneven. When I print a page of text every few lines is feint and /or only prints the bottomhalf of the letters. I...